Clinique Vétélys : Centre Vétérinaire 24/7 Genève

Refer a pet. Your pet is not yet treated by Vétélys?

In the special case where a veterinary practice sends us a companion, here you’ll find information for vets and owners to ensure your companion is treated in the best possible way.

Cat referred to Vétélys, veterinary clinic in Geneva

For veterinarians

Refer a pet to our veterinary practice Vétélys Genève with this form

For petowners

Preparation instructions

To ensure that your visit runs smoothly, and that your companion is properly diagnosed and cared for, please take the following steps into account:

First appointment?

Please report to reception.

Have you made an appointment before?

Please arrive at the secretary’s office 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. In case of unforeseen circumstances, please call 022 719 10 10.

Make an appointment

Please let us know the reason why your vet has referred your pet.

Moral commitment: Your animal may only be seen again at our center at your vet’s request, unless it has been referred to us for another reason. By respecting this moral commitment, you enable us to work in complete confidence with your veterinarian.

Your pet

Unless otherwise advised, always leave your pet fasting from the evening before (allow drinking only) to facilitate the smooth running of our treatments.

On an empty stomach
(his last meal 12h before, and he can drink up to 3h before)

Report to reception

Please bring :

  • the animal’s health record
  • liaison sheet from your attending veterinarian
  • insurance document, if applicable
  • all medical information in your possession (a paper copy of your X-rays and blood tests is essential)
  • requested means of payment (credit card, cash)

list of documents